299 Majeed Mogharreban - The Power of Becoming: Providing Humor & Inspiration to the Masses
Episode Summary
Author, speaker, podcast host and entrepreneur, Majeed Mogharreban joins the show to share his experience as an Expert Speaker. Majeed has mentored hundreds of business owners and inspired audiences across the globe with his wit, humor and directness. Today, Harry and Majeed open up about being intentional, the relational aspect of podcasting and the process of becoming.
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Key Takeaways
06:26 – Expert speaker Majeed Mogharreban joins the show to share how he and Harry met, intentionality and how he became a professional speaker
11:22 – Having his voice heard and the power of power
15:01 – A mix of cultures, Ace Ventura, and comedy improv
21:23 – Majeed provides his thoughts on ‘cancel culture,’ Joe Rogan, and longform content
25:30 – The relational aspect of podcasting
34:13 – How Majeed has grown as a podcast host and the evolution of Majeed’s business
40:14 – How Majeed’s entrepreneurial journey has changed throughout the years
41:53 – The process of becoming
45:09 – Something Majeed has changed his mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about him
48:12 – Harry thanks Majeed for joining the show and lets listeners know where they can go to connect with him
Tweetable Quotes
“Just make a list of the places you want to speak and reach out and ask them, ‘What do I have to do to be a speaker here?’ And, that’s such a simple concept, but it profoundly changed my approach from let me redo my logo, and let me redo my website, and let me become a best-selling author, and let me land a TED Talk to just making a list and reaching out to people and asking to speak there. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.” (10:55) (Majeed)
“I think it’s a testament to the power of the individual’s voice and the platforms we have available to us to broadcast that one man [Joe Rogan] can be more powerful than I’m assuming many of the major networks combined.” (22:15) (Majeed)
“Really what I am certain of is the fact that each person that I’ve interviewed has a deeper relationship. I’m gonna interview someone or speak to someone’s group, that’s the beginning of a lifelong partnership, ideally. I’m connecting to their world and their community forever, from this point forward.” (31:58) (Majeed)
“When I wanted to be a motivational speaker, I thought, ‘How do I figure out how to get paid speaking engagements? And then I discovered that I was getting clients by accident. These were people who were seeing my speech and coming up to me afterwards and asking me questions like, ‘Can I hire you to do a project? Can I hire you to train my team? Can I hire you to be my coach? And so, I discovered that speaking is actually a great marketing platform.” (36:50) (Majeed)
Resources Mentioned
Majeed’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/majeedmogharreban/?originalSubdomain=ca
Majeed’s Book – https://majeed-mogharreban.mykajabi.com/expert-speaker-ebook
ExpertSpeaker – https://www.expertspeaker.com/
Expert Speaker Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/expert-speaker-podcast/id1457732846
Majeed’s TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@expertspeaker?lang=en
The Golden Motorcycle Gang – https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Motorcycle-Gang-Story-Transformation/dp/1401936199
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