356 The Ultimate PodPage Tutorial Walkthrough with Dave Jackson
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For the past few years I’ve been a huge fan of PodPage. I even had the Founder, Brenden Mulligan on Episode 291:
Brenden recently brought the one and only Dave Jackson on to the team and I was grateful to have Dave back on for a deep and thorough dive of ALL the PodPage features, screen by screen.
If you’ve been struggling to build a page for your show, this will show you the power of this all-inclusive this tool. Forget Wordpress, SquareSpace, WIX, those are great for general websites, but not ideal for podcasting.
PodPage is built from the ground up for podcasters who are serious about their show!
Sign up today and import your current show to get a site created in minutes:
The resources David mentioned:
Pensight (course creation) - https://pensight.com/
Fathom Analytics (Google Analytics alternative) - https://usefathom.com/
Flowsend (AI show notes) - https://fullcast.co/flowsend/
The Audience is Listening by Tom Webster - https://amzn.to/4hwHP0J
NOTE: These are affiliate links for which I receive a small commission when someone signs up for that service.
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