The Incredibly Exhaustive List of Podcasts About Podcasting

(Originally posted on Medium on 11/12)
I always have an interesting discussion when I describe to people what my podcast is about. I tell them “it’s a podcast about podcasting, I know, super-meta, huh?.” I didn't even know podcasts about podcasting was a thing! And then, invariably, I make the comparison to the amazingly inventive and quirky movie, Being John Malkovich.
If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s a story about a guy that finds a portal that transports him into the head of John Malkovich for a few minutes. Then, when it’s over, he gets dumped on the New Jersey Turnpike. You really can’t make this stuff up!
I absolutely love that movie. To be honest, I’m drawn to anything written by Charlie Kaufmann. Adaptation is clearly one of the most inventive movies I’ve ever seen.
Back to podcasting.
I was inspired to start my show after attending New Media Expo in 2014.
Here below, in alphabetical order, is my current list. Descriptions are pulled straight from iTunes. I’ve included a link to host’s Twitter account (when available) as well as the direct link to their iTunes page, as a reminder of how important downloads and subscriptions are to the lifeblood of a podcast!
A couple of caveats here. The show must be currently publishing new episodes. You’d be surprised out how many podcasts sit in the top of the charts and haven’t published anything since 2011!
Special thanks to Steve Wilson (Twitter), the ‘How To Podcast’ section in iTunes and The Podcast Chart, for helping me round out the list.
(Oh, and here’s a free tip: want to have your podcast artwork seem like it’s floating in mid-air? Put it on a white background!)
“Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich!”

Ask the Podcast Coach. Dave Jackson is the Founder of the School of Podcasting, Jim Collison is the head of the Average Guy Network, together they answer your podcast questions and talk podcasting news LIVE every Saturday at
Host: Jim Collison and Dave Jackson | Subscribe Today!

The Audacity to Podcast. Award-winning podcast for you to learn about podcasting, Audacity, and WordPress from Daniel J. Lewis. Awarded #1 technology podcast in 2012 by people’s choice. Podcasting is an exciting and personal way to share your message with others, but how do you do it? What equipment, software, and skills do you need? Daniel gives you answers to these and more podcasting questions. Many episodes focus entirely on Audacity.
Host: Daniel J. Lewis | Subscribe Today!

CashFlow Podcasting. Ben Krueger, Chief Podcast Strategist takes you on a journey with leaders and brands who successfully leverage podcasting to generate BIG incomes and BIG results for their own businesses. The first 10 episodes is the Cashflow Podcasting “Fast-Start” Series to give you the step-by-step on how to launch a podcast for traffic, leads and sales. Then you’ll see case studies from various business types on how they’re using podcasting to generate significant income, plus their tips on how you can do the same.
Host: Ben Krueger | Subscribe Today!

The Feed. A podcasting community driven show focused on growing your audience, getting more listeners, promoting your podcast through social media, creating a podcast strategy and talking to industry experts PLUS insight into Libsyn the premier company that provides everything for your podcast needs: publishing tools, media hosting and delivery, RSS for iTunes, a Web Site, Stats, Advertising Programs, Premium Content and Apps for Apple, Android and Windows 8. Dive deep into what Libsyn has to offer to make podcasting easy. Taking it beyond the How-To Podcast to KEEP you Podcasting!
Hosts: Rob Walch and Elsie Escobar | Subscribe Today!

For the Love of Pod[casts]. It’s a podcast about podcasts! One man’s spiritual quest to discover how the audio sausage gets made.
Host: Tyler Robertson (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

Free Podcast Course. This is a free Podcast course brought you by the founder and host of EntrepreneurOnFire. In this course delivered via Podcasts, John shares everything you need to know on how to create, grow, and monetize a Podcast, and MUCH more. Every episode packs a punch of value, and you’ll be off to the races on your Podcasting journey in no time flat!
Host: John Lee Dumas | Subscribe Today!

How Sound. The Backstory to Great Radio Storytelling, hosted by Rob Rosenthal, for Transom and PRX.
Host: Rob Rosenthal | Subscribe Today!

In Pod We Trust. A round-up of the best spoken word audio podcasting from around the world.
Host: Miranda Sawyer | Subscribe Today!

MicScience. The testing grounds for growing your EXISTING business through podcasting. If you don’t have a business, service or product for sale, this podcast is NOT for you. Only listen to MicScience if you want strategic advice and training from the field on gaining authority, lead generation, list building, content creation, relationship building and audience engagement.Vernon T. Foster II, founder of Pod Parrot & CEO of Parrot Media Group, trains weekly from the lab alongside top marketers, media personalities, broadcasters and podcasters. Claim your free gift at for being a loyal listener.
Host: Vernon T. Foster II | Subscribe Today!
Mike Murphy Unplugged. A podcast for one man bands and creative entrepreneurs to learn the tools to create online content and move forward in business and in life. You will learn how to run and online business, produce online media and launch a podcast, but more importantly have the support behind you to keep practicing until you develop a voice and vision and build forward momentum so you can make a dent in the universe that we all want to do. Purpose and voice is not something you search for and discover, it is developed through practice and creating. This podcast will teach you the tools and hold you accountable to keep producing content so you get better in business and in life. Hard work is a requirement. Topics will include entrepreneurship, technology tips and tricks, how to launch a podcast, audio/video, graphic design and business and productivity. Join my one man band at:
Host: Mike Murphy | Subscribe Today!

The Moneycast. The #1 question new (and old) podcasters ask is: How can I make money with my podcast? In this podcast, Jessica Kupferman will take you through the process of monetizing several podcasts as well as interview successful podcasters about how they made money podcasting. Finally answer your questions about sponsorships, media kits, downloads, and more! Fun stuff, people!
Host: Jessica Kupferman | Subscribe Today!

The New Media Show. Recorded via live video every Saturday at 9am PST/Noon EST. The weekly 90 minute show is hosted by Todd Cochrane andRob Greenlee. The series features the leading minds in the new media and podcasting space. Topics also include: new media and broadcasting events, media platforms, content monetization, platform apps, devices, content creation, publishing software and equipment.
Hosts: Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee | Subscribe Today!

Patreon Podcast. Hey you! Quit your day job. We’re Patreon — ongoing funding for artists and creators of all kinds.
Host: John Mierau | Subscribe Today!

Pod Pod Pod. A curated playlist of just the best podcasts — because sometimes the world of podcasts is loud and overwhelming.
Host: Jeff Ruberg (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

Podcast Answer Man. I started podcasting, as a hobby, back in December 2005. Since that time, I’ve created more than 30 different shows and have produced over 3,200 podcast episodes of my very own. In December 2006, I launched this Podcast Answer Man podcast and my podcast coaching / consulting business at I have personally helped thousands of people launch extremely successful podcasts through one-on-one coaching and consulting and also through my Podcasting A to Z online training course. My free podcasting tutorial at has been used by tens of thousands of people. Thousands of these folks were able to use what they learned there to launch a podcast without needing to purchase a single product or service from me, which was my goal. Whether you are brand new to the world of podcasting or if you’ve been podcasting for many years, each week I provide content that will help you take your message, your business, and your life to the next level.
Host: Cliff Ravenscraft | Subscribe Today!
The Podcast Digest. Find the best new shows, old shows, big shows and small shows of all kinds and types! Interviews and recommendations from across the web arrive every week!
Host: Dan Lizette (Twitter)| Subscribe Today!

Podcast Help Desk. Helping you get setup to podcast, maintain your podcast website, help with iTunes, Stitcher and other directories. Help with Blubrry hosting and media statistics and more. Ask your questions and hear the answers on the show.
Host: Michael Dell | Subscribe Today!

Podcast Junkies (that’s me!). Born out of a genuine interest in and curiosity for this growing league of podcast hosts. It features wide-ranging, authentic and sometimes candid interviews with this family of voices behind the microphone. The shows themselves cover a variety of topics such as Business, Finance, Entrepreneurism, History, Comedy, Storytelling and more. Podcast Junkies explores the motivations behind the podcast’s inception and allows the listener to connect on a more personal level with some of their favorite hosts.
Host: Harry Duran (Twitter)| Subscribe Today!
Podcast Master. Your essential guide to starting up a podcast and making your current show even better. Presented by Ben Green – producer of the Guardian's award-winning Football Weekly podcast – and adapted from his book of the same name, in this series you'll learn…
Host: Ben Green | Subscribe Today!

The Podcast Method. Dan Benjamin answers your questions about podcasting and recording, audio and video equipment, software, mic technique, pre- and post-production, workflows, and more.
Host: Dan Benjamin | Subscribe Today!

The Podcast Producers. A 10-part audio series focusing on subjects related to the art and business of podcasting. The hosts bring a polished, journalistic, audio experience to present a multifaceted insight into the world of podcasting and the personalities who produce them. Season One explores topics including: Podcasting for hobby or business, the podcast community, statistics and demographics, advertising on podcasts, podcast networks, the psychology of podcasting, outsourcing production or doing it yourself, the reaction of broadcast radio, and much more.
Hosts: Jessica Rhodes and Corey Coates (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

Podcast Report. What’s new in Podcasting that affects your bottom line?Paul Colligan, author of The Business Podcasting Bible (published before anyone had ever even heard of the iPhone), and the #1 Amazon book (in 7 countries) Podcast Strategies and How To Podcast 2015, takes a new look at the Podcasting Industry with The Podcast Report. Learn the new and newsmakers that are helping make Podcasting what it is today.
Host: Paul Colligan | Subscribe Today!

Podcast Talent Coach. This podcast is created to help you with the ART of podcasting. Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment. I’d love to help you with your podcast.
Host: Erik K. Johnson | Subscribe Today!

Podcasters Group Therapy. Each week long time podcasters Corey Fineran, Tawny Fineran and Nick Seuberling talk about podcasting. From tips on how to make your podcasting workflow better, how to maximize audience growth using social media and more. Whether you’re wanting to start your podcast or if you’ve been podcasting for years, Corey, Tawny and Nick make this discussion on podcasting useful for everyone!
Hosts: Corey Fineran, Tawny Fineran and Nick Seuberling | Subscribe Today!

Podcasters’ Roundtable. Podcasters’ Roundtable is a rotating panel of podcasters who debate issues facing podcasters and podcasting as a media format. Each Roundtable features a new podcaster from the community of listeners to talk less about the how-to and more about the subjective issues facing podcast producers. This is the audio only feed taken from the originally aired live Google Hangout On-Air.
Host: Ray Ortega (Twitter) |Subscribe Today!

The Podcasters’ Studio. A podcast about podcasting. Learn how to create high quality audio and video podcasts from professional podcast producer Ray Ortega. You’ll learn how to go from not having a show to being in iTunes, Google Play Music and all the places podcasts are found. Get tips and instructional podcasts regarding how to plan, record, edit, and promote your show. You’ll get all the information you need to start (gear, media hosting, building a website), maintain (content production, making money, post production techniques) and grow (finding new subscribers, upgrading your studio, getting sponsors) a successful podcast.
Host: Ray Ortega |Subscribe Today!

Podcasting 101. The Podcast that interviews other podcasts about all things podcasting! Learn how to start a show, develop a show and market a show! Learn something new with every episode!
Host: The Angry Ginger |Subscribe Today!

PodCraft. This podcast is all about the brilliant world of Podcasting — teaching you how to grow from novice podcaster to confident broadcaster. In this podcast I cover the full range of Podcasting skills, looking at: Podcasting Equipment — what microphones to buy, when to get a mixer, how to set it all up. Podcasting Techniques — recording interviews, recording outside events. Podcast Editing — what software to use, how to create the best audio possible. Podcast Promotion — how to grow your audience, how to market your brand. Podcast Planning — scripting, episode planning, topic generation. Podcast Monetisation — how to make money out of your broadcast without turning off your audience. And more — podcasting environments, events, speaking skills. I’ll be bringing on guests from popular podcasts, talking to novices and experts alike, and generally helping you to create the best podcast possible.
Host: Colin Gray | Subscribe Today!

ProfitCast. The Real Brian from Profitcast is taking the journey to learn, interview, and help podcasters, who podcast about their passions, to monetize their podcast and grow a large and loyal audience. Brian interviews podcasters who have successfully grown their podcasts and, even, monetized their podcasts. LOTS of strategies and wisdom is shared on Profitcast from these podcasters. You’ll get a unique perspective behind the scenes to learn what it takes to SUCCEED with your podcast!
Host: The Real Brian | Subscribe Today!

PowerPress Podcast. The Blubrry team shares Bi-Weekly new podcaster tips, podcasting news, pro podcaster topics, new and notable podcasts to share with your audiences. A podcast on podcasting by the team powering your podcast.
Host: MacKenzie Bennett | Subscribe Today!

The Pub. Current’s weekly podcast about news and trends in public and nonprofit media.
Host: Adam Ragusea (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

School of Podcasting. Established in 2005 if you want to learn about podcasting this is the show for you. It’s been described by many as the most entertaining and unique of all the “Podcast About Podcasting.” Dave Jackson gets to the point and talks about podcasting. We discuss ways to plan a successful launch that will get you ranking high in iTunes, finding the best gear on a budget, developing content that leaves people wanting more. He has been helping people understand technology and has been called “The Analogy King.” His style is “edutainment” and you will always walk away with useful knowledge and insights. Dave Jackson is the original, and if you don’t like the first episode you hear — give him two more and he’ll change your mind.
Host: Dave Jackson | Subscribe Today!

She Podcasts. She Podcasts is a show all about podcasting — for women — by women. Hosted by Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Escobar — two of the leading voices in podcasting — this show is dedicated to addressing all the things that come up for podcasters from a female perspective: news, tech gadgets, relationship management, interview best practices, show notes, everything you can think of can and will be covered. As podcasters, women often have a unique approach to all aspects of creating and growing a podcast — the tech, the interview, the sharing — all of it. Our mission is to highlight, enhance and support current women podcasters by creating a supportive, fun and nurturing community as well as a platform for continuing to cultivate stronger and more powerful voices in the world of podcasting. Our Facebook group is a safe place for women podcasters to celebrate, commiserate, and help support one another.
Hosts: Elsie Escobar and Jessica Kupferman | Subscribe Today!

Show Me Your Mic. A show that talks to podcasters about gear, software, workflow, and philosophies behind podcasting.
Host: Chris Enns (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

The Showrunner. A weekly podcast about podcasting hosted by veteran podcasters Jerod Morris and Jonny Nastor. They provide actionable advice mixed with doses of inspiration to help podcasters take their shows from good to great.
Hosts: Jerod Morris and Jonny Nastor | Subscribe Today!

Spreaker Live Show. For you the podcast creator and listener who love the freedom and openness of independent podcasting — since 2004. The show will cover podcasting news, tips, and interviews with leading podcast hosts, podcasting experts joining us on the show. The show is hosted by Rob Greenlee, Head of Content for Spreaker and is also the co-host of “The New Media Show”. Regular guests will be Francesco Baschieri (Twitter), CEO,Anna Piazza and Tonia Maffeo, both Spreaker community managers.
Host: Rob Greenlee | Subscribe Today!

Startup. A series about what it’s really like to start a business. [NOTE: Season 1 was specifically about the launch of their podcast network]
Host: Alex Blumberg (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

Tape. A radio show about people who make radio.
Hosts: Mooj Zadie andMickey Capper (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!

Your First 10K Downloads. A podcast hosted by veteran podcasters, Chris Cerrone and Laci Urcioli. We are helping new and established entrepreneurs, online business owners, and podcasters looking to grow their audience to 10k listeners and beyond. Our quick and short episodes give you the tips, tricks, tools, strategies, and actionable content for growing an audience. If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, looking to make money online, grow your existing audience, this podcast is for you.
Hosts: Chris Cerroneand Laci Urcioli | Subscribe Today!

The Wolf Den. Focuses on starting and growing a new business and interviews others who are influencing the business of new media. Part of the fun is hearing about the behind the scenes building of Earwolf.
Host: Adam Sachs (Twitter) | Subscribe Today!
I’m pretty sure that after reading this list, you’re all like…

As with all lists, I’m sure to have missed one or two. Have a favorite in the bunch? Either way, please leave me a comment below!
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