July 20, 2016

099 Ryan Gray | Teaching Medical Students How to Survive in a Competitive Industry

099 Ryan Gray | Teaching Medical Students How to Survive in a Competitive Industry

Ryan Gray is a former flight surgeon in the United States Air Force and the founder of Medical School HQ. He is the host of The Premed Years Podcast, where he answers questions and interviews other medical professionals/students for his show. Ryan says his main inspiration for starting a podcast came from Pat Flynn. Due to the nature of the job, Ryan also talks about the reason why doctors need to have hobbies outside of the medical industry. There were so many topics covered on this podcast episode as per usual, so be sure to listen in for more!


Ryan Gray is a former flight surgeon in the United States Air Force and the founder of Medical School HQ. He is the host of The Premed Years Podcast, where he answers questions and interviews other medical professionals/students for his show. Ryan says his main inspiration for starting a podcast came from Pat Flynn. Due to the nature of the job, Ryan also talks about the reason why doctors need to have hobbies outside of the medical industry. There were so many topics covered on this podcast episode as per usual, so be sure to listen in for more!

  • 03:25 - Blab is giving up on us as podcasters.
  • 06:20 - Is Ryan an early adopter of technology? Yes!
  • 07:20 - What does Ryan think about Facebook Live?
  • 09:35 - Ryan considers himself an introvert.
  • 10:25 - Ryan was inspired to podcast by Pat Flynn.
  • 12:50 - Ryan has always been a creator. He loves to create.
  • 13:25 - Not only is Ryan a physician, but he is also a self-taught computer programmer.
  • 15:10 - Do medical student even have 'spare time' for hobbies?
  • 20:10 - What was the first thing Ryan built?
  • 25:00 - Physicians are taught to put others before themselves.
  • 28:00 - A lot of mental energy goes into supporting other people and it is emotionally draining.
  • 29:45 - The air force paid for Ryan's medical school.
  • 31:55 - How did Ryan break down the format for his medical podcast?
  • 34:25 - How has Ryan's interview style matured?
  • 39:45 - Ryan tries to convince everybody he knows into doing a podcast.
  • 42:10 - Medical students believe they have to be competitive in order to become certified.
  • 44:55 - People who go to medical school because their parents wanted them to, are usually sacrificing their happiness.
  • 46:05 - Does Ryan have any listener success stories?
  • 49:15 - What kind of reactions did Ryan's family have about him leaving the medical field?
  • 50:25 - Does Ryan think about the kind of legacy he'd like to leave behind?
  • 53:00 - What's the most misunderstood thing about Ryan?
  • 54:35 - What has Ryan changed his mind about recently?
  • 57:10 - People have a very limited view of vegans. They just eat...grass, right?
  • 01:00:20 - Fun fact, you can actually have a decent Facebook feed if you just block certain people.

FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.podcastjunkies.com/ryan-gray-interview/

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